As outlined in this policy memo from the USDA, federal SNAP Emergency Allotments have been terminated, with final benefits to be issued in February 2023. SNAP EA began in January 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and have been essential to families during this public health emergency. For two years, SNAP-eligible families received 15% more in benefits, with a maximum benefit based on household size instead of income. In other words, households have been receiving $95 in emergency benefits or the maximum benefit for the household size (whichever is greater).

With the absence of these supplemental funds, households using SNAP may lose an average of $82 per person, and benefits for some seniors across the country will decrease from $281 to only $23 per month. In the state of New Jersey, the minimum SNAP benefit amount per household has been increased to $50 per month to help offset the termination of SNAP Emergency Allotments. As food prices continue to rise in 2023, SNAP recipients that qualify for lower benefit levels will be impacted most, come March. Read more here.