Advocate for Good Food for All!
Expanding SNAP Nutrition Incentives
Lend your voice in support of Good Food Bucks and SNAP Nutrition Incentives. Together we can let our elected officials know that New Jersey cares about ensuring every resident can find Good Food Bucks and affordable, nutritious food in their community.
You should ask your legislators to vote YES for expanding and strengthening Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP) in the Farm Bill because SNAP Nutrition Incentives are:
GOOD for Public Health
GOOD for the Economy
GOOD for Farmers

The Good Food Bucks program is a TRIPLE WIN because it positively impacts health, community, and economic development simultaneously by encouraging shoppers who use SNAP to reinvest their fresh produce dollars back into the local economy.
Take Action!
GusNIP (Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program) is the only federal program dedicated to helping SNAP families eat healthier by improving access to fruits and vegetables, while also benefitting American farmers and food retailers.
In New Jersey, GusNIP supports Good Food Bucks SNAP Nutrition Incentives, so that they reach more families and individuals. Since 2021, more than $620,000 Good Food Buck Nutrition Incentives have been redeemed by customers using SNAP for fresh produce at local farmers markets and grocery stores. Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Programs have been shown to positively impact health, community, and economic development by encouraging SNAP shoppers to reinvest their benefit dollars into the local economy. Good Food Bucks and programs like it are good for public health, local economies, and agricultural communities - a triple win! Expanding and strengthening GusNIP in the next Farm Bill will help ensure that more farmers markets and grocery stores across the country are able to offer nutrition incentives so that more families can use their SNAP dollars to eat healthier.
Together, we can advocate for strengthening and expanding GusNIP fruit and vegetable incentives in New Jersey and across the country.
Use the toolkit (PDF) to learn more about all the ways you can advocate for the Good Food Bucks program!
Look up your NJ Senator and Assemblyperson, based on your municipality! Write down their email address, mailing address, and phone number.
Learn about legislative priorities for SNAP and rom Hunger Free New Jersey , including Boosting Funding for Healthy Food through nutrition incentives
Read about Farm Bill legislative priorities and recommendations for GusNIP and Nutrition Incentives from the Alliance for National Nutrition Incentives (ANNI)